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Hydrogen Scaling Up

In this report, the Hydrogen Council presents the first comprehensive vision of the long-term potential of hydrogen and a roadmap for deployment. This ambitious yet realistic approach would deliver deep decarbonization of transport, industry, and buildings, and enable a renewable energy production and distribution system.

Path to Hydrogen Competitiveness

Path to Hydrogen Competitiveness
This latest Hydrogen Council report shows that the cost of hydrogen solutions will fall sharply within the next decade – and sooner than previously expected. As scale up of hydrogen production, distribution, equipment and component manufacturing continues, cost is projected to decrease by up to 50% by 2030 for a wide range of applications, making hydrogen competitive with other low-carbon alternatives and, in some cases, even conventional options.

Green Innovation Fund

Green Innovation Fund
To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, METI established a 2 trillion-yen fund as part of NEDO and provides continuous support for R&D projects for 10 years to companies that commit to ambitious goals.

Japan’s Green Growth Strategy

Green Growth Strategy
This strategy is an industrial policy to lead the challenging goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, a vision that is upheld by the Suga administration and aims toward a cycle of economic growth and the environmental protection.

Japan’s Strategic Road Map for Hydrogen & Fuel Cells

e Strategic Road Map for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
The renewed roadmap defines: (i) new targets on the specification of basic technologies and the breakdown of costs; (ii) necessary measures for achieving these goals; and (iii) that Japan will convene a working group consisting of experts to review the status of implementation in each area stipulated by the roadmap.

Japan’s Basic Hydrogen Strategy

Japan’s Basic Hydrogen Strategy
The Basic Hydrogen Strategy shows future visions that Japan should achieve with an eye on 2050 and serves as an action plan to accomplish the visions by 2030. The strategy sets a goal that Japan should reduce hydrogen costs to the same level of conventional energy (e.g. gasoline and LNG) and to achieve the goal, provides integrated policies across ministries ranging from hydrogen production to utilization under the common goals.

Low Emissions Technology Roadmap

Low Emissions Technology Roadmap
The primary objective of the Roadmap is to provide a blueprint for the development of a hydrogen industry in Australia. With a number of activities already underway, it is designed to help inform the next series of investment amongst various stakeholder groups (e.g., industry, government and research) so that the industry can continue to scale in a coordinated manner.

National Hydrogen Strategy

National Hydrogen Strategy
Australia’s National Hydrogen Strategy sets a vision for a clean, innovative, safe, and a competitive hydrogen industry that benefits all Australians. It aims to position the Australian hydrogen industry as a major global player by 2030.